Making of Game of Thrones


This is me just messing arround




So it Ends, and all thats left to say is "Thank You".
Thank you for 6 Years of enjoyment you brought to me week by week.
you for suprising me every Time, beeing able to make me laugh, cry and
scream at the same Time. Thank you for treating your Viewers like smart
people! Thank you for making me believe. Thank you!
It was an Honor beeing entertaint
by you. You set the bar for TV Drama to the Standard it is now. And so,
since today, you are now a mayor mark in TV History. And no one will
forget the phenomenon that LOST was.

-The Man of Faith

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‚BUG‘ so heißt der neue Psychothriller von William Friedkin der Regieseur von ‚Der Exorzist‘ und ‚The French Connection‘ mit Ashley Judd in der Hauptrolle. Der Film handelt von einem Paranoiden Kriegs Veteran der überall Käfer sieht die Menschen fressen. Mehr kann ich leider dazu auch noch nicht sagen außer das es denn Link zum Trailer und zur HP unten gibt.